Thursday, September 5, 2013

Handy Pointers In Eradicating Stretchmarks Naturally

Do you find it difficult to remove stretch marks in some portions of your body? These days, there are multitude of individuals who have stretch marks in certain parts of their bodies. For these reasons, some of them are afraid to done on specific kinds of clothing that expose these ugly marks. This holds true to certain percentage of women who are afraid to done on shorts, bathing suits or miniskirts. These women have fears of being mocked by other people. Much more, it affects our self-esteem and confidence.

However, not all of them can afford to underwent laser surgery or buy expensive lotions and creams to remove them. Yes, there are some who are willing to buy these products and undergo these treatment options but there are also some who aren't amenable to these methods since they fear of its side-effects and expenses. Can these people remove these unsightly marks cost-efficiently? This article showcases the causes of stretch marks and the diverse natural stretch mark removal methods.

How Do You Define Stretch Marks?

When we say stretch marks, these imply to the narrow, branched or broad lines that appear on the skin of men and women. They either whitish or reddish. These ugly marks exist in either irregular, elevated or sunken lines but most of them are parallel lines. They usually appear on the thighs, legs, breast or stomach.

These ugly marks are the noticeable dermal and sub-dermal structural defects attributed to the lack of elastin, protein and collagen. These are the things needed by the skin to make it taut and elastic. Teenage ladies who are near their puberty stage and pregnant women are the ones who are at higher risks of developing stretch marks.

The Rationale Behind Ugly Stretch Marks

Studies reveal that these unsightly marks are attributed to the weight loss, weight gain, illnesses, unhealthy diets and too much exposure to the sun. Good for men and women who have elastic skin because they skin will bounce back after weight loss and pregnancy but some aren't lucky to have them. Listed below are natural stretch marks removal help.

1. Make sure that you ingest plenty of water to keep the skin hydrated. Our bodies need water not just for hydration but also to eliminate the toxins. We need to drink at least eight glasses of water daily.

2. It is also recommended that you consume more veggies and fruits.

3. Massaging the skin everyday with lotion or other types of skin lubricants is the natural way of boosting the production of collagen in our skin. It is effective in boost the elasticity of the skin and prevent the occurrence of stretch marks.

These are efficient and cost-effective stretch marks removal techniques that you can do at home.

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