Thursday, September 5, 2013

How Laser Therapy And Certain Skin Care Techniques Could Help You Lighten Up Your Stretch Marks

Stretch marks is what you basically get when the dermis of your skin undergoes a certain tension and tearing and attempts to heal up back to its original state as much as possible. Stretch marks are actually quite easy enough to identify because of their distinctive off-color hue and because they are shaped as stripes or their branch-like appearance like the roots of a tree. Stretch marks usually appear if there are sudden changes in your body within a short period of time, such as a growth spurt during puberty, a pregnancy or child birth, and some because of obesity. The clinical term for it would be striae, and most often than not it does not go away without a trace even with certain procedures, applications, or cosmetics. Although the body is at risk of having stretch marks in many areas, the most common place for it to form first would be on the abdomen, especially if you have just gotten into pregnancy or child birth. These stretch marks can also appear on your thighs, your hips, upper arms, around the breasts, and even at the lower back of the body.

The obsession of people over making stretch marks disappear resulted to more and more stretch mark products in the shelves of the market these days and they all have one thing in common: the promise for your stretch marks to go away without a trace. But since there have been more and more brands that are coming out these days, the more careful you should be in choosing the right kind of stretch marks removal cream for you. And since almost each one of them guarantees a hundred percent effective and safe results, you don't want to be so sure as it could end into a tragic damage to your body instead of actually improving your appearance. So before you go ahead and treat your own stretch marks with all those commercial creams, it would be better for you to go to a dermatologist instead to get some professional medical advise regarding your skin condition.

Other treatment options added for you to know about on how to remove stretch marks that are proven to be more effective would be a laser treatment to remove all your stretch marks. The red stretch marks that one would usually get can just be easily removed by a laser therapy by way of reducing the inflammation, thus removing the reddish discoloration of the stretch mark. Laser therapies also allow the skin to grow more elastic and collagen, which results to a healthier skin regeneration overall. So at the end of the day, it will then depend on you which treatment would you rather have as you have more than enough to choose from as a matter of fact.

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